
Inherits From:
GPGSignature : NSObject
Declared In:

Class Description

Key signatures are one component of a GPGKey object, and validate user IDs on the key.

The signatures on a key are only available if the key was retrieved via a listing operation with the GPGKeyListModeSignatures mode enabled, because it is expensive to retrieve all signatures of a key.

GPGKeySignature instances are returned by -[GPGUserID signatures]; you should never need to instantiate yourself objects of that class. It is guaranteed that the owning GPGUserID instance will never be deallocated before the GPGKeySignature has been deallocated, without creating non-breakable retain-cycles.

An instance represents a signature on a user ID of a key.

Key signatures raise a NSInternalInconsistencyException when methods -fingerprint, -summary, -notations, -policyURLs, -validity, -validityError, -wrongKeyUsage, -validityDescription, -hashAlgorithm, -hashAlgorithmDescription are invoked.

Symbolic Constants



Instance Variables

BOOL _isRevocationSignature;
BOOL _hasSignatureExpired;
BOOL _isSignatureInvalid;
BOOL _isExportable;
NSString *_signerKeyID;
NSString *_userID;
NSString *_name;
NSString *_email;
NSString *_comment;
GPGUserID *_signedUserID;
int _refCount;

_isRevocationSignatureNo description.
_hasSignatureExpiredNo description.
_isSignatureInvalidNo description.
_isExportableNo description.
_signerKeyIDNo description.
_userIDNo description.
_nameNo description.
_emailNo description.
_commentNo description.
_signedUserIDSigned userID; not retained
_refCountNo description.

Method Types

- signerKeyID
- userID
- name
- email
- comment
- creationDate
- expirationDate
- isRevocationSignature
- hasSignatureExpired
- isSignatureInvalid
- isExportable
- status
- signedUserID

Instance Methods


- (NSString *)comment

Returns the comment on the signer's key, if available. Taken from the main user ID of the signer's key.


- (NSCalendarDate *)creationDate

Returns signature creation date. Returns nil when not available or invalid.


- (NSString *)email

Returns the email address on the signer's key, if available. Taken from the main user ID of the signer's key.


- (NSCalendarDate *)expirationDate

Returns signature expiration date. Returns nil when not available or invalid.


- (BOOL)hasSignatureExpired

Returns whether signature has expired or not.


- (BOOL)isExportable

Returns whether signature is exportable or not (locally signed).


- (BOOL)isRevocationSignature

Returns whether the signature is a revocation signature or not.


- (BOOL)isSignatureInvalid

Returns whether signature is invalid or not.


- (NSString *)name

Returns the name on the signer's key, if available. Taken from the main user ID of the signer's key.


- (GPGUserID *)signedUserID

Returns the GPGUserID signed by this signature.


- (NSString *)signerKeyID

Returns the key ID of the signer's key.


- (GPGError)status

Returns signature status.

In particular, the following status codes are of interest:
GPGErrorNoErrorThis status indicates that the signature is valid.
GPGErrorSignatureExpiredThis status indicates that the signature is valid but expired.
GPGErrorKeyExpiredThis status indicates that the signature is valid but the key used to verify the signature has expired.
GPGErrorBadSignatureThis status indicates that the signature is invalid.
GPGErrorNoPublicKeyThis status indicates that the signature could not be verified due to a missing key.
GPGErrorGeneralErrorThis status indicates that there was some other error which prevented the signature verification.


- (NSString *)userID

Returns the main user ID of the signer's key.

Version 1.1 Copyright ©2005 by Mac GPG Project. All Rights Reserved. Sun Jan 23 16:54:42 2005